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Image by Katrin Hauf

What To Expect!

The coaches at EmpowerU Life Coaching has developed a special methodology for life coaching and change management based on four topics: Priority, Action, Time and Hope – P.A.T.H. for short. These are the four areas in which people often get blocked in creating change. By being mindful of the P.A.T.H. components, clients are able to learn the process of change, so they can diagnose where they have stalled and identify the steps necessary to make change happen.


A typical session is 30-45 minutes in length. The optimal frequency of these interactions depends on your needs. Most clients begin with once a week during the initial sessions (situational analysis, goal setting, action plan development) and then taper off to two times a month to work through problem areas and help you stay motivated, you can schedule additional appointments if you encounter unexpected difficulties or need a little extra motivation or encouragement.


EmpowerU Life Coaching is a nation wide client base company for convenience and flexibility are coaching sessions are offered by phone or via online video through Zoom. We customize the frequency, duration and content of these communications to meet your specific needs.

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